The School of General Studies (GS) and the School of Continuing Education are located in Lewisohn Hall.
The School of General Studies (GS) is the undergraduate college for nontraditional students who have interrupted their education for at least one year after high school or during college and have chosen to return to higher education to complete a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science. GS continues to be committed to supporting students who must attend part time for compelling personal or professional reasons. Students are fully integrated into the academic life of Columbia University, taking classes in the other undergraduate colleges and sharing the same Arts and Sciences faculty. GS is also home to the Postbaccalaureate |
Premedical Program, a certificate program for college graduates who want to pursue a career in medicine but have taken none or only some of the basic science courses required for admission to schools of medicine or allied health.
Continuing Education students enroll in undergraduate and graduate courses offered by more than 40 academic departments in Arts and Sciences. Students may design their curriculum through the elective programs option, focus on a given subject through the foreign language, creative writing, and second majors programs, or enroll in a postbaccalaureate program to prepare for graduate school. Other options available through the School include the summer session; Master of Science in several disciplines; programs for high school students, and study abroad opportunities in China, France and Germany. The American Language Program has offered English-as-a-Second-Language instruction since 1911. Each year, students from more than 60 countries enroll in intensive full-time and part-time English Courses.
Lewisohn also houses the Language Resource Center and the Learning Center, a walk-in tutoring facility.